Frequently Asked Questions

  • We believe diversity is not only key when choosing species of trees but also in choosing locations or organizations to team up with when planting. Funds are distributed annually to fund a variety of projects within Canada and abroad.

    Within Canada, we will initially be planting in Alberta where trees can be personally monitored by ATMOS TREE. We will be working with local land owners to grow native forests where there is an emphasis on restoration and we can employ permaculture techniques.

    Internationally, we will be partnering with a variety of planting organizations and nature conservancies that go beyond simply planting trees. Trees must be monitored and provide benefits to local residents or farmers socially and economically helping to bring communities in developing countries out of poverty and give them more opportunity.

  • We will post updates on planting projects etc through our Instagram account @ATMOSTREEORG. Please follow us there to see what’s going on!

    We will also provide a report to alliance members annually describing where the funds were allocated, the amount of trees planted, and where.

  • There is ZERO cost to join the Alliance while we navigate our BETA phase. There is also no cost to maintain membership. Arborist companies that join our alliance instead commit to accepting contributions from their clients every time they perform at least one removal. Funds are transferred to the alliance quarterly which pays for the cost of tree planting, maintaining, and administration costs.

    1. Video chat introduction with assistance and tips on how to incorporate into your existing workflow. Idea sharing about the alliance and methods to incorporate into your marketing strategy.

    2. We will provide you with a branding tool kit that contains graphics to use on your website or other digital communications of your choice.

    3. We will mail you custom decals to display on your trucks advertising your green solution.

    4. Annual reports of alliance efforts including information about planting sites and impact we have made.

    5. Invitations and opportunities to plant trees with us or collaborate online through social media.

    6. Opportunity to provide feedback and ideas for expansion or improvement of ATMOS TREE alliance.

  • Many people see benefit in planting trees for their natural ability to sequester abundant carbon from our atmosphere. Our atmosphere is unique in that it is shared by everyone in the world without borders. Many of our partnering organizations that plant trees in devoloping countries, can often plant trees that can be harvested for food or re sale in local markets improving their economy and opportunity. We also believe that their climate can often be more conducive to faster growing and larger trees compared to cooler climates in Canada. This can result in more carbon sequestration when compared to our trees.

    Another benefit when choosing a variety of planting sites, species, or organizations to plant with, is the ability to protect our trees through redundancies. A trees growing success can be affected by disease, insects, wildlife, or even natural disasters. By spreading out our projects we can expect to increase our overall success.

  • ATMOS TREE has already planted X amount of trees